Iehofah/Jehofah yw yn un â'i enw pur

(Llwyddiant y cenadwri Heddwch)
Iehovah yw,
    yn un â'i enw pur,
Cyflawnder gwiw
    ei addewidion gwir;
  Mae'n codi ei law,
      cenedloedd doent o'u bodd,
  Nodedig brawf o'i ras,
      anfeidrol rodd.

Cenhadon hedd,
    mewn efengylaidd iaith,
Sy'n galw i'r wledd
    dros fôr yr India faith;
  Caiff Hottentots,
      Coraniaid dua'u lliw,
  Farbaraidd lu,
      eu dwyn i deulu Duw.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tôn []: Upton (<1829)

  Cenadon hedd mewn efengylaidd iaith
  Doed mawr a bach o îs a gwaelach ryw
  Gwna fi fel pren planedig O fy Nuw
  Pob natur doed â'i holl bwerau 'nawr

(The success of the message of Peace)
Jehovah is,
    the same as his pure name,
The worthy fullness
    of his true promises;
  He raises his hand,
      let nations come voluntarily,
  The notable test of his grace,
      an immeasurable gift.

The emissaries of peace,
    in a gospel language,
Are calling to the feast
    over the sea vast India;
Hottentots, Coranians
    of blackest colour, a barbarian
Host, shall be
    brought to the family of God.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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